Sunday, August 23, 2015

How did I Successfully Pass all the Time-Pressured Examinations? Here are my 6 simple tips...

Intelligence is not the only essential requisite to successfully pass  time-pressured examinations.

There are other equally significant prerequisites.

I have proven their effectiveness after passing the entrance examinations for the PHILIPPINE MILITARY ACADEMY (PMA),  for the ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT (AIM) and many other time-pressured examinations along my JOURNEY in LIFE.

Below are my simple tips on how  to spell success in the time-pressured examinations.


The employment of correct TIME MANAGEMENT is the number one success factor in this endeavor. Do not consume too much time on one item. If you have difficulty in a certain item, skip it and proceed to the next item. But take note of those items then go back when you have still the time. The bottom line is you should be able to reach the last item in the examination to maximize your time covering easy questions and still have time to answer difficult ones. 

Be conscious of the allotted time, compute them in a way that you divide the number of items with the allotted time. This is very important since you can calculate how much time will you spend for each item. It is very important to save time for easy questions so that you can have ample time to spend for the difficult questions.

Move fast but be CAREFUL! Be sure to shade or encircle the correct number corresponding to the question!

If you finish the examinations ahead of time, do not relax! REVIEW your answers! 


Our mind is the biggest weapon against any challenge or any endeavor. We should have the proper mindset and motivation that will produce intelligent juices and extract productive insights that are stored in our brain cells. Be confident. Utilize one of the seven habits of STEPHEN COVEY, "Have the END in MIND". Think POSITIVE before and during the examinations. Your objective is not just to pass, but to get high score. Bear in the mind the rewards and benefits of getting high marks. 

If you have prevailing problems or concerns, leave them temporarily outside the examination room. Thinking about your problem will not help but will hinder you from successfully and excellently hurdling the test. Eliminate the excess baggage from your head and from your heart. Empty yourself to have a light journey while taking the examinations.

When I took up the entrance examinations for cadetship at the PMA, I have only one MINDSET. I have to pass this examination in order for me to finish my studies because PMA offers full scholarship plus pay and allowances while studying. Everytime I encountered difficult question, I just go back to my noble intention that is to qualify as PMA cadet to help my parents financially by unburdening them of any expenses for my college education.

3. FITNESS (Physical, Mental & Emotional)

While examinations primarily entail intelligence, physical, mental, and emotional preparations are very important factors to endure the challenging mental activities. Have adequate sleep and take the right meal before taking the examinations. You should have taken your personal necessities before proceeding to the examination room.


Being on time or ahead of time of examination is very important. If you are far from the venue of the examination, be sure to allot ample allowance for traffic and other disturbances along the way. Reporting early or ahead of time will make you more ready to take the examinations. You have accomplish half of the battle if you come ahead of time eliminating additional stress and unnecessary pressure.


Make a CHECKLIST of the things you need before and during the examinations. If there are REQUIREMENTS, prepare them ahead of time to avoid cramming and to eliminate stress that might directly or indirectly affect your performance during the examinations. 


If you know someone who successfully passed same or similar examinations, ask for tips and guidance. Conduct online research regarding the tips from the EXPERTS to deal with time-pressured tests.


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